A Space to Please All

A sunny but unloved corner of Jen’s garden was transformed in to a serene space that doubles as a play area for her children.

The Brief


In the sunniest corner of the garden, Jen had an L-shaped shed that was infested with spiders and the vine was taking hold of the roof and walls. With an ingrained fear of spiders, it made the whole area redundant.

Jen wanted a dual-purpose space to tempt her children outdoors and away from their screens, but also offer a sun trap for her to work and relax in.

The Result


I designed a space that incorporated a fantastically versatile sofa/sun lounger, a custom-made Lego table for the boys and a climbing frame that we incorporated swing seats with. The whole family love it.

The only problem was the arguments over who got to use the swing seat, so we had to order two more!

“After consulting with my family, Heidi and her team designed and built a space that I find really relaxing — when I can get my boys out of it!”

— Jen


Hove Hideaway


The Wind Tunnel